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PSTOIC annual dinner - 14th January 2017

Olivier did another great job organising this year's event, although the Doodle poll take up was slow. Wildwood at Gloucester Road was chosen again as the venue. This year saw a visit from Russ Casey. The usual pre-meal sharpener started at around 6:00pm at the Hereford Arms, followed by the short walk to the restaurant nearly opposite. Our "usual" long table at Wildwood was arranged for us.

This year's theme was bring something freaky. Items included: Andy's handmade Furby/Gremlin, Rob's freaky catnip toy, Martin's pocket molecular scanner, Rebecca's colour changing black nail varnish, Rex's 1970's wig, Kevin's manic miner T-Shirt, Doug's Granny Gross Ghosts Olivier's 40th candles, Alex's total eclipse video and Roswell artefact and Scorpion paperweight.

After a short discussion, the following was agreed:

Olivier presented Doug with a hand made freaky PSTOIC 2017 medal made by Andy. Thanks go to Rebecca for sorting out some bill anomalies.

A late award was also presented to Olivier for arranging the recent events.

Apologies for absence:

Next year's theme....

Bring something "futuristic"

Click to enlarge the photos

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