PSTOIC annual dinner - 11th January 2025(41 photos)
Thanks go again to Olivier and Rex for organising this year's Bodgers Assemble.
January brought us the Annual PSTOIC dinner and we stuck to last year’s winning formula. Kicking off with pre-dinner drinks at Bow Street Tavern at 18:00, followed by a meal next door at Wildwood Restaurant. The date that wasn't to be missed: Saturday, 11 January 2025. The theme? "Bring Something Controversial." Let’s shake things up a bit.
There was a bit of a problem with the Wildwood booking as on the day at 11am, Rex received a call asking where we all were.
Later Rex arrived at the restaurant, past the queue of people waiting to get in, to confirm we would all get a table later.
Winter Warmer was on tap at Bow Street and there was a welcome return this year of Andy, Rebecca and Megan.
Matt brought in a logic interface board from a pipe organ for us all to analyse.
Olivier added an acceptable bodge for the fuse.
Apologies for absence were received from Alex who submitted an early remote entry for the year's controversial theme.
Controversial entries for this year's theme included:
After a bit of discussion, voting was carried out in three stages. First a vote by everyone to select their top four entries.
These four entries were then narrowed down to two by Rebecca, Megan and Martin. Finally to add to the controversial theme,
ChatGPT was asked to pick the most controversial item from the final two entries
(which it was a bit reluctant to do).
- Joint 3rd Place
Ronjoy - Solar Trump, Andy - Animal Farm DVD
- 2nd Place
Alan - Invermectin Tablets
- 1st Place
Rex - Make America Great Again hat
Thanks again to Andy for creating this year's medal.
The theme for 2026....
Bring something historical
(ChatGPT was also asked to decide on a possible theme based on previous year's themes and came close with "Nostalgic")
See all 41 photos
PSTOIC annual dinner - 13th January 2024(47 photos)
Thanks go to Olivier for organising this year's Bodgers Assemble (10 people).
Olivier, or more correctly the Assistant vice-Deputy to the adjunct Deputy sub-Chair of the Committee volunteers
The Democratic People's Co-operation of PSTOIC helped to arrange a dinner fit for Royalty at a premium location in the world's most exciting City. Nothing less than the best for the Comrades at PSTOIC! This year's theme was bring something hot. "Voting" was done via a Doodle poll providing a single date choice to choose from.
The Revolution was arranged to start with pre-dinner drinks taking place at the proletarian pub called "Bow Street Tavern" followed by food next door at Wildwood restaurant. Use of the pub's Tardis might have been required as the suggested date was for January 2023. Numbers were up again this year, although apologies for absence from Rob (been ill for the past week).
Entries for this year's theme included:
Andy, due to preparations for moving house, was not able to send a medal for this year's winning entry... ChatGPT provided a temporary replacement hot themed medal. Alan suggested a one vote per person voting system...
- Joint 3rd Place
Alan and Alex
but way ahead...
- 2nd Place
- 1st Place
The theme for 2025....
Bring something controversial
See all 47 photos
PSTOIC Summer VSPP meetup - 16th August 2023(14 photos)
With a few bodgers known to be in town, Alan decided to arrange a mini-meetup. "With Rex in Malaysia and Olivier jetting off again there is still a
Person right here in London. And so for those of us who are left and those who have just returned there is a plan for a Pstoic mini meet this week on Wednesday evening (16 August)". Brian let everyone know he wasn't the VSSP this time as he was working in Southampton on The Hundred.
The plan was to meet at the "refurbished" Imperial off Leicester Square followed by a meal at the Happy restaurant nearby. We hadn't realised that Wednesday was live music night at the pub. The special guest was Ledda, a long overdue visit from Canada. Alex, Kevin, Martin and Matthew also made it. Alex and Ledda have also been added to the pSTOIC crew WhatsApp group.
A big Thank you to those who contributed to the renewal/upkeep of
It is hoped that the annual pSTOIC dinner will be on January 13th 2024 (following a suitably democratic voting process).
See all 14 photos
PSTOIC annual dinner - 15th January 2023(43 photos)
Thanks go to Alan and Rex again for organising this year's Bodgers Assemble (8 people).
Numbers this year were slightly up on 2022 with a possible 10 people signed up for the night, unfortunately Doug and Alex could not make it at the last minute. We met at the often used Imperial pub just off Leicester Square, thankfully no bouncer on the door and it soon thinned out nearer Theatre time. Wingmans on Old Compton Street was chosen for the main venue with ample downstairs seating available (at the Henneth Paltrow table). Free WiFi was provided courtesy of 2020Media (and fully tested). This would prove rather useful as the menus were all online.
This year's theme was bring something analogue. Items included:
Judging this year was done by those who did not submit anything (John, Ronjoy and Matt). After a few rounds of voting and discussions on what counted as being analogue, Kevin was decided the winner. Andy Clark had kindly sent us the 2023 medal:
- Winning entry
Kevins's Korg Sythesizer
The theme for 2024....
Bring something hot
See all 43 photos
PSTOIC annual dinner - 29th January 2022(45 photos)
Thanks go to Alan and Rex for organising this year's Bodgers Assemble (6 people).
A small group of bodgers met up on 29th January
for a slightly later than planned annual meet up.
Numbers were kept small but the enthusiasm and enjoyment for the evening was anything but. We had a competition,
with the theme being bring something stoic, chosen 2 years ago. Food was courtesy of “Wildwood”, this time in Covent Garden as both the
Gloucester Road branch and Sticky Fingers are permanently closed.
Alan also brought the original STOIC book of minutes dating back to 1979, full of memories and also some photographs of the studio from around 1992? (all scanned in below)
We followed the meal with a quick visit to the “Coal Hole”, a quirky pub on the Strand.
This year's theme was bring something stoic. Items included:
This year judging involved everyone, with a set of knock-out stages to decide the winner. Martin Evans was voted the winning entry, for Colin's 70's spinning STOIC logo (aka doobry) and a STOIC tie.
Andy Clark kindly donated a medal:
The theme for 2023....
Bring something analogue
See all 45 photos
PSTOIC annual dinner - 11th January 2020(96 photos)
Special thanks go to Ronjoy for organising this year's event (15 people).
After a pre-Christmas planning meeting at the The Wheatsheaf off Oxford Street, it was decided to go with
Sticky FINGERS in High Street Kensington again for this year's venue.
Rex and Alan suggested meeting beforehand at
The Britannia.
This year's theme was bring something blue. Items included:
Thanks go to Andy for making the composite medal (full write-up). Kevin's reaction game was especially popular, even the restaurant staff had a go.
This year's judge was Megan. After a rigorous hands-on appraisal of the various entries, Megan announced the following results:
- 1st place
Kevin with his Bluetooth reaction game (with blue LEDs)
- 2nd place
Matt's blue Illuminated USB Cable
- 3rd place
Rex's blue Smurfs
Apologies for absence:
- Russ Casey - Sorry guys - I'm not feeling well and will bail on tonight's dinner. Shame too, as I was looking forward to bringing my blue thing. It's a mobile retro games console. With heated seats! Have a great time.
The theme for 2022....
Bring something stoic
See all 96 photos
PSTOIC annual dinner - 19th January 2019(52 photos)
Thanks go to Olivier, Rex and Alan for a great job organising this year's event (17 people!).
Another change of plan was needed for this year, the Wildwood restaurant in Gloucester Road had closed, but as luck would have it,
Sticky FINGERS in High Street Kensington was back.
Rex and Alan suggested meeting beforehand at
The Britannia. Jez brought a selection of his
3D printed cube puzzles to keep us busy. Olivier turned up with a surprise bonus guest - Yazan.
By special request, Doug brought back his amazing
clockwork bird box.
This year's theme was bring something foreign. Items included:
Thanks go to Andy for making the wire medal (full write-up),
and to Rex for making the runners up 3D printed PSTOIC bodge owls.
This year's judges were Yazan, Steve and Richard. After a long discussion (and possible disqualifications), Yazan announced the following:
- 1st place
Martin's water chestnuts from Cambodia
- Runner's up
Rob's Killepitsch Kräuterlikör from Germany
Jez's Maltese Falcon 3D print
Apologies for absence:
- Carl Fairhurst - I'm not going to be able to make it Saturday. I got tripped up by the dog last week and managed to fall, breaking my ribs. I was hoping I'd be okay to travel, but I'm still not able to move around very well and having to take lots of painkillers.
Next year's theme....
Bring something blue
(Yazan wanted to change it to red but request was denied)
See all 52 photos
PSTOIC annual dinner - 20th January 2018(72 photos)
Thanks go to Olivier, Rex and Alan for a great job organising this year's event. There was a change of plan for this year's meetup. It was decided (after a number of pre-meetups) to pick a venue suitable for showing some of the old STOIC material from back in the day. Olivier found a suitable room at the Stick'n'Bowl Chinese, but an upstairs room at the
Zetland Arms in South Ken was finally decided upon.
After a bit of bodging and gaffer tape, a projector and screen were setup showing material cobled together from a number of sources. Alan and Rex were offering copies on USB sticks.
This year's theme was bring something futuristic. Items included:
Doug's Curta - mechanical calculator,
Jez's Thermal camera attachment and mini computers,
Russ's VR headset,
Andy also brought some copies of his book A Little Saw (now available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle).
After a short discussion, the following was agreed:
- 1st place
Jez's Thermal camera attachment
Apologies for absence:
- Hugh Eland - Have great evening and regards from Prague. Hope to join in future.
Next year's theme....
Bring something foreign
See all 72 photos
PSTOIC annual dinner - 14th January 2017(65 photos)
Olivier did another great job organising this year's event, although the Doodle poll take up was slow. Wildwood at Gloucester Road was chosen again as the venue.
This year saw a visit from Russ Casey. The usual pre-meal sharpener started at around 6:00pm at the Hereford Arms, followed by the short walk to the restaurant nearly opposite. Our "usual" long table at Wildwood was arranged for us.
This year's theme was bring something freaky. Items included:
Andy's handmade Furby/Gremlin,
Rob's freaky catnip toy,
Martin's pocket molecular scanner,
Rebecca's colour changing black nail varnish,
Rex's 1970's wig,
Kevin's manic miner T-Shirt,
Doug's Granny Gross Ghosts
Olivier's 40th candles,
Alex's total eclipse video and Roswell artefact and Scorpion paperweight.
After a short discussion, the following was agreed:
- 1st place
Doug's Granny Gross Ghosts.
Olivier presented Doug with a hand made freaky PSTOIC 2017 medal made by Andy. Thanks go to Rebecca for sorting out some bill anomalies.
A late award was also presented to Olivier for arranging the recent events.
Apologies for absence:
- Bryan Crotaz - Sorry guys I'm not going to make it. Was launching our new product to Europe yesterday.
- Carl Fairhurst - I've been up into the night having to deal with a production outage in San Jose and I need to follow up with my team over there later today.
- Matt Balchin - Daughters 18th birthday party. Was needed on bouncer duty.
Next year's theme....
Bring something "futuristic"
See all 65 photos
PSTOIC annual dinner - 16th January 2016(50 photos)
Olivier did a great job organising this year's event again, a Doodle poll helped us all choose the date, and Wildwood at Gloucester Road was chosen again as the venue, who it seems are quite email saavy with regards booking alterations.
This year saw another new entrant, Jon Denham. The usual pre-meal sharpener started at around 6:30pm at the Hereford Arms, followed by the short walk to the restaurant nearly opposite. This year Wildwood managed to arrange a single long table for us all to sit at.
This year's theme was bring something illegal (at some point in history, or in some other part of the world). Items included Alan's upside down stamp, Olivier's encryption software, Matt's blindfold, Doug brought some antique items. Jon entered himself as being illegal everywhere but the UK. There was also a tungsten candle bulb, and a fake STOIC badge.
After a short discussion, the following was agreed:
- 1st place
Matt's blindfold - It is illegal to drive in Alabama blindfolded
- 2nd place
Rob's Kinder Eggs - The US has had a ban on candies with embedded toys since 1938
- 3rd place
Matt's Wagon Wheels - Due to the use of suspect E numbers
Matt's Marmite - banned in Canada and Denmark for containing illegal additives
Andy presented Matt with a hand made metallic repoussé STOIC 2016 medal. Carl's STOIC medal was awarded to Rob for second place.
Apologies for absence:
- Andy Bennett - A friend has asked me to do some last minute helping for a theatre show they're doing on the Saturday and Sunday.
- Bryan Crotaz - I won't be able to make it this year as I'm working oop North over the weekend. Darn.
Next year's theme....
Bring something "freaky"
See all 50 photos
PSTOIC Summer get together - 29th September 2015(25 photos)
With both Olivier and Ledda in town, it was decided a mini PSTOIC meet up was in order. Olivier sent out a Doodle poll to the list to make it easier for each of us to say when we're ok & when busy. It was then agreed to meet at The Imperial pub off Leicester Square followed by curry at the Sartaj Indian Restaurant by Seven Dials.
See all 25 photos
PSTOIC annual booze up / dinner - 18th January 2015(61 photos)
If you have more photos...please send them so I can add them!
After the success of last year's trip to Gloucester Road, it was decided to give
WildWood another go.
Olivier took the helm this year and managed to get everything booked. It was definitely a sell out event, with a first time appearance from Alex Weidman.
The usual pre-meal sharpener at the Hereford Arms was followed by the short walk to the restaurant nearly opposite. Unfortunately, there was a slight issue with Olivier's booking in that Wildwood had decided to split the group into one big table, and one small one.
Doug's suggestion from last year for the theme was bring something you've made yourself (since the last meal). Items included Alan's programmable LED row, Andy's 3D printed doobries (I think that's the correct STOIC term?), Carl's Arcade emulator, Doug's dual-boot wiring, Olivier's Samurai napkin hat, Matt's wall sockets, Kevin's hand knitted scarf and Rex's 3D interactive "roller-coaster ride".
After a short discussion to reassign the adjudication on this year's event (no Brian), Carl's excellent Arcarde emulator won. Andy presented him with a brilliant 3D printed STOIC 2015 badge.
Apologies for absence:
- Brian - "Sorry guys, I've been rather ill today and I'm not going to make it tonight. Have fun."
- Jez - Sorry i won't be able to make it tonight, got tickets to see Queen at the O2, bad planning on Brian's part there i think.
As to this year's theme, here is a ternary bit of fun that Charlie made for me at school this year using the school laser cutter. Have a great dinner, hope to see you next time.
- Ledda - Wish I could join you guys, but am not in the country. Have a fab time!! Look forward to the photos.
Next year's theme.... bring something "Illegal" (at some point in history, or in some other part of the world).
See all 61 photos
PSTOIC annual booze up / dinner - 11th January 2014(41 photos)
There was a fair amount of debate for this year's venue and theme. Sticky Fingers was unfortunately not able to host the event, but Matthew thankfully managed to arrange another excellent venue for us. Carl had suggested that we meet at Heathrow Terminal 5, but Andy pointed out that platform tickets were probably not available for the rest of us.
For the theme, Doug made the suggestion for "Bring something clockwork", Andy was sure he had an orange about somewhere. Alan felt we were struggling a bit with ideas so it was suggested to expand the theme to Bring something mechanical. Bryan was able unable to make the event, suffering from some form of "MF".
There was the usual pre-meal sharpener at the Hereford Arms, and then the short walk to the Wildwood restaurant. There was a fine array of paraphernalia on offer from the Bodgers and Doug was happy to adjudicate on the best entry. Congratulations go to Rex and Jez. Cat calenders were also supplied by Alan.
A video of Doug's clockwork bird box is available at PSTOIC youtube.
The theme for next year's event: Bring something you've made yourself.
A note from Doug: Just a clarification of the intention for next year's bringalong: the "something you've made yourself" should (ideally) be made between the end of last night and the start of next year's dinner.
My understanding is that Brian Crotaz has been lumbered nominated as adjudicator for next year.
See all 41 photos
PSTOIC annual booze up / dinner - 16th January 2010(33 photos)
The annual Hoop & Toy / Rembrandt alumni get together. Following the success of last year's themed event, Rex chose to stick with a winning formula and go with a
Bring something interesting theme. Andy presented an aluminium monolith (formally Alan's hard drives). Alan presented a quite unusual grip tool. Rex passed around a very weird looking item and asked for guesses as to what it was (raw latex from a tree). Rob showed some great photos of the Colossus computer at Bletchley. Doug excelled himself with both a hydrogen powered car (unfortunately there were some teething problems getting it to start) and two excellent LED arrays. Rex sorted the bill out with us all having our own receipt.
Also check out Doug's demonstration on the YouTube video.
See all 33 photos
PSTOIC annual booze up / dinner - 10th January 2009(15 photos)
The annual Hoop & Toy / Rembrandt alumni get together. The theme this year,
Bring something amazing. First off was Alan with his excellent "Charlotte and family" cat calendars. Secondly was a bright green squishy mesh ball provided by Tim. Andy then revealed his submission. We were first supplied with a set of A5 sized Fresnel lenses. Then, hidden inside some antique looking books was to be found a miniature Victorian styled display "tube". Mounted in the case was a fully crafted, tiny, brass flea chariot. At the end of the meal, we were not disappointed with the annual bodge with paying the bill.
See all 15 photos
PSTOIC annual booze up / dinner - 13th January 2008(14 photos)
The annual Hoop & Toy / Rembrandt alumni get together. This year we were all treated to a video presentation of the latest goings on in the world of the Flea Circus. Our thanks to Alan and Rex for providing the viewing hardware and their best efforts at synchronised playback. As always, the most complicated part of the event was payment.
See all 14 photos
Bodge count: 011784